"You see, we all have a perverse capacity to be comfortable with what God says is wrong. So God blesses us with violent, uncomfortable grace. Yes, He really does love us enough to crush us, so that we would feel the pain of our sin and run to Him for forgiveness and deliverance.Reflections on "Violent grace"...November 2012
David says in Psalm 51:8, “Let the bones You have crushed rejoice." It's a curious phrase. Crushed bones and rejoicing don't seem to go together. You wouldn't say, "Hooray, I have a broken bone!" But that's very close to what David is saying. He's using the searing pain of broken bones as a metaphor of the pain of heart that you feel when you really see your sin for what it is. That pain is a good thing!
Think about it. The physical pain of an actual broken bone is worth being thankful for because it's a warning sign something is wrong in that arm or leg. In the same way, God's loving hammer of conviction is meant to break your heart and the pain of heart you feel is meant to alert you to the fact that something is spiritually wrong inside of you. Like the warning signal of physical pain, the rescuing and restoring pain of convicting grace is a thing worth celebrating!
So God's grace isn't always comfortable because He isn't primarily working on our comfort - He's working on our character. With violent grace He will crush us because He loves us and is committed to our restoration, deliverance, and refinement. And that is something worth celebrating!"
It's been grace all along. The Lord has been surpassingly good to me. The violence in the grace has truly been in my reaction to His command to trust and follow Him. Trusting and following Him has always been a grace when experienced and has truly never let me down. My reaction to this command is where the punches start.
Psalm 51:8 "Let the bones you have crushed rejoice"My bones, on their own, cannot take You, Oh God - You are far too great, too powerful, too grand for my wee-bones to stand.
My first birth did not set me up to stand before a fearfully wonderful God. I was set for death since the very beginning: violent grace. And everything within me KNOWS it - violent grace!
All the strivings...all were/are flavors of death...but You made them cravings for LIFE: violent grace.
My second birth came when I was devastated by my "first life"...every devastating hole You said You could fill...fill to the overflow: I get to have You. Violent. GRACE. It's better than a solution. I get to have You.
My bones were not made to be sufficient on their own.
I use to think they could be...I could try harder, do better. I could train and get stronger. But my bones were not made to be sufficient on their own. What crushed them is that I thought they could be sufficient. I gave them weight they could not bear. I was not made to be separate from You, God. What crushes me is these bones. Violent Grace. You gave me bones that I cannot depend on! Violent Grace. My bones were not made to be sufficient on their own. I was not made to be separate from God. Violent grace. I cannot depend on myself, and this is how You created me - I am in desperate need for You...and You are exactly who I need most.
Violent Grace.
Psalm 51:8 "Let the bones you have crushed rejoice"